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Bienvenidos a CHIHUAHUA | Welcome to CHIHUAHUA

Chihuahua es un estado mexicano que limita con EE.UU. Su capital, también llamada Chihuahua, es conocida por su catedral barroca española y el Palacio de Gobierno del siglo XVIII, con enormes murales que representan importantes eventos de la historia mexicana. En el suroeste, está el Cañón del Cobre con sus gargantas que se conectan con la capital mediante el famoso tren Chepe (Ferrocarril Barrancas del Cobre).

Chihuahua is a Mexican state that borders the US. Its capital, also called Chihuahua, is known for its Spanish Baroque cathedral and 18th-century Government Palace, with huge murals depicting important events in Mexican history. In the southwest, there is the Copper Canyon with its gorges that are connected to the capital by the famous Chepe train (Ferrocarril Barrancas del Cobre).

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